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  ACR pier Taylor Drive Red Deer

Forth Junction Project

Forth Junction Project Vision Sharing Historical Perspective Ground Transportation
Heritage Preservation
Forth Junction
Heritage Society

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The Forth Junction Heritage Society

is a Registered Charitable Society under the Alberta Societies Act and the Canada Revenue Agency


Forth Junction display at Supertrain Calgary 2010April 2009 - a group of four local transportation historians and model railroaders (Paul Pettypiece, Darcy Colenutt, Roy Sirman and Heather Shannon) meet to form the Forth Junction Heritage Society: temporary Board of Directors elected by acclamation: President - Paul Pettypiece, Vice-President - Darcy Colenutt, Secretary - Heather Shannon.

May to September 2009 - Several local historians, city and county civic leaders, business leaders and other people of influence are briefed about the preliminary concept of a major tourist attraction based on the railway history of the region with positive encouragement to proceed.

August 2009 - Steve Parkin added to board as inaugural member and replaces Heather Shannon as Secretary-Treasurer. Society by-laws finalized. Development of comprehensive website begins;

September 2009 - Michael Dawe and Audrey Reid become members expanding Board of Directors to seven; first membership dues collected;

October 2009 - Bank account set up; Orval Snider becomes member.

November 2009 - Preliminary business plan created; President gave historical perspective on passenger rail at High Speed Rail Symposium at Red Deer County Centre.

December 2009 - The society receives confirmation of its status as a Registered Society under the Alberta Societies Act. Red Deer County agrees to purchase the former ACR Mintlaw steel railway trestle as a historic resource, fulfilling the initial stage of one of the society's objectives;

January 2010 - The society receives a donation of $500 from Red Deer County Division 2 Recreation and Culture Board for start-up expenses; Paypal account set up for website. Roger Bouchard becomes member.

February 2010 - First print media news articles and commentary on the vision of the society (Red Deer Advocate and Red Deer Express). Dean Jordan gives presentation to Board on Innisfail Historical Society's 40th anniversary.

April 2010 - Created banner, brochures, historic photo display and model rail module exhibit for participation at Calgary Supertrain, one of Canada's largest model railway shows; membership reaches 12

June & July 2010 - News articles in Red Deer Advocate. Robert Buckle of Heritage Collaborative Inc. gives presentation to board re future feasibility study.

September 2010 - Board accepts proposal for $40,000 destination management study by Heritage Collaborative - requests funding from Alberta Tourism (unsuccessful).

Darcy at Supertrain Calgary display 2010October 2010 - Presentation to Tourism Red Deer resulting in letter of support in principle. Display at Red Deer Model Train and Hobby Show. First Annual General Meeting held at Kerry Wood Nature Centre in Red Deer with presentations by city archivist Michael Dawe who spoke on "Red Deer as a Transportation Hub" and president Paul Pettypiece who spoke on "The Forth Junction Project Vision" as it was envisioned at the time. Election of Board of Directors: President - Paul Pettypiece; Vice-President - Darcy Colenutt; Secretary-Treasurer - Steve Parkin; plus 6 members at large. Membership rises to 21. News articles in Red Deer Advocate.

November 2010 - Society president contacted for news articles in Red Deer Advocate and Mountain View Gazette on repairs to Mintlaw trestle

December 2010 - Application to CRA for charitable status submitted, meeting with Alberta Tourism

January 2011 - Strategic planning workshop for society members, membership rises to 23

February 2011 - Informal meeting with Central Alberta Regional Trails Society re options for preservation of and access to Mintlaw trestle and regional trail on former ACR right of way

March 2011 - Changes made to strategic plan and adopted; became member of Red Deer Chamber of Commerce

April 2011 - Participated for 2nd time at Supertrains in Calgary; Heather Shannon creates archives scrapbook for display

June 2011 - Field trip to Mintlaw trestle; meeting with RD Strategies re county study on access and preservation of Mintlaw trestle; letter from Canada Revenue Agency that some of society's objectives do not comply with charitable activities

August 2011 - Field trip to Alberta Central Railway Museum near Wetaskiwin; meeting with Red Deer mayor

September 2011 - Special meeting accepted changes to by-laws and society purposes as required by CRA for charitable status to focus on education and preservation activities; regular meeting held at Innisfail Historical Village

October 2011 - 2nd annual Annual General Meeting held at The Hub on Ross in Red Deer with speakers Brian McLoughlin who spoke on "There Was a Time - the Calgary & Edmonton Railway" and Steve Parkin who spoke on "The Development of Transit in Central Alberta". Election of Board of Directors: President - Paul Pettypiece; Vice-President - Roger Bouchard; Secretary-Treasurer - Steve Parkin; plus 6 members at large. Participated for 2nd time at Red Deer Model Train & Hobby Show. Membership rises to 28. President met with Red Deer County mayor re potential Springbrook site for future rail park.

November 2011 - Approval of charitable status with Canada Revenue Agency; meetings with Tourism Red Deer, Red Deer County and Heritage Collaborative; received list of various plans for Jubilee 3001 steam locomotive from Canada Science & Technology Museum for future replication

December 2011 - Two page feature in Mountain View Gazette and article in Red Deer Advocate; letter sent to Red Deer County council members re update and request for letter of support for Springbrook site; preliminary contact with some landowners re future site

January 2012 - Article in Innisfail Province regarding proposed heritage rail park somewhere between Red Deer and Innisfail in close proximity to the CPR Calgary-Edmonton line.

October 2012 - AGM held at The Hub on Ross in Red Deer. President made presentation on "The 100th Anniversary of the Mintlaw Trestle and its Impact on West Central Alberta". Election of Board of Directors: President - Paul Pettypiece; Vice-President - Brian McLoughlin; Secretary-Treasurer - Steve Parkin; plus 4 members at large.

February 2013 - Participated in the Olds Train Show at Olds College.

June 2013 - Nominated Red Deer County for Heritage Preservation Award re preservation of Mintlaw Trestle.

September 2013 - Participated in Springbrook Information Fair.

November 2013 - AGM held at abc Family Restaurant in Red Deer. President made presentation on "The Railways as Parents of a City" similar to a presentation made earlier in the year at the Red Deer Public Library. Election of Board of Directors: President - Paul Pettypiece; Vice-President - Brian McLoughlin; Secretary - Heather Shannon; Treasurer - Steve Parkin; plus 4 members at large.

December 2013 - Editorial in Innisfail Province and Olds Albertan praising FJHS big dream.

February 2014 - Participated in Olds Train Show at Olds College.

March 2014 - Informed that the 80-tonne east girder was removed in February from the Mintlaw Trestle due to weakened condition of timber supports.

May 2014 - President conducted a Jane's Walk with the theme of how three railways impacted the development of the city of Red Deer.

July 2014 - Provided input to Red Deer County's Red Deer to Springbrook Trails Study indicating a preference for a Trans Canada Trail route crossing the historic Mintlaw Trestle.

September 2014 - Acquired 18" section of original Calgary & Edmonton Railway rail dated 1890 from Enderby (BC) & District Museum after they discovered the rail in June and offered it to FJHS.

November 2014 - AGM held at abc Family Restaurant in Red Deer. President made two presentations, one on "Proposal for Mintlaw Trestle to be part of Trans Canada Trail" and the other on "Railway Stations of Red Deer Area". Election of Board of Directors: President - Paul Pettypiece; Vice-President - Brian McLoughlin; Secretary - Heather Shannon; Treasurer - Steve Parkin; plus 3 members at large.

February 2015 - Participated in Olds Train Show at Olds College

May 2015 - President conducted a Jane's Walk in Red Deer.

October 2015 - Field trip to the Mintlaw Trestle.

November 2015 - AGM held at abc Family Restaurant in Red Deer. President made presentation on "The 4 Railway Stations of Red Deer". Election of Board of Directors: President - Paul Pettypiece; Vice-President - Brian McLoughlin; Secretary - Heather Shannon; Treasurer - Steve Parkin; plus 5 members at large.

February 2016 - Participated in the Olds Train Show at Olds College.

March 2016 - President gave public talk and presentation at the Red Deer Museum on the history of the railways in Central Alberta and the impact on the development of Red Deer.

September 2016 - Received call from Gary Southgate of Saskatchewan concerning a possible future partnership to display his extensive collection of railway equipment.

October 2016 - AGM held at abc Family Restaurant in Red Deer. President made two presentations, one on "The Southgate Collection" and the other on "Potential Sites for a Future Rail Park". Election of Board of Directors: President - Paul Pettypiece; Vice-President - Brian McLoughlin; Secretary - Evan Bedford; Treasurer - Steve Parkin; plus 6 members at large.

December 2016 - Acquired gifted miscellaneous telegraph equipment from Olive Iddiols of Calgary. Article in Red Deer Advocate about possibility of acquiring Southgate Collection.

January 2017 - Liz Taylor of Red Deer Tourism and Paul Pettypiece of FJHS met with Alberta Tourism in Edmonton. Had first meeting with Gary Southgate regarding his collection. Met with Discovery Wildlife Park at Innisfail.

February 2017 - Participated in Olds Train & Hobby Show at Olds College.

March 2017 - Met with Red Deer County officials regarding possible future heritage rail park at Springbrook.

April 2017 - Acquired gifted railway-themed sculpture by 1994 Red Deer College student Melinda Setters from Rod Trentham of Red Deer.

July 2017 - Met with Red Deer economic development officials, GATX, and Gary Southgate re possibility of acquiring land from the city in north Red Deer. Gary Southgate negotiating with CN Rail to acquire abandoned rail right of way in Riverside industrial area.

August 2017 - Met with Sylvan Lake officials regarding a possible tourism rail park in the area.

September 2017 - Received information from CP Rail re connecting our proposed rail park at Innisfail to the CPR main line. Correspondence with CN Rail re acquiring track from the abandoned industrial rail spur in Red Deer. FJHS board met with Gary Southgate about partnering with him to display his equipment. First presentation to Innisfail Town Council.

October 2017 - Met with Greg Garson at Sylvan Lake about the possibility of creating a rail park on his property. Met with Red Deer County officials re Springbrook option for a future heritage rail park.

November 2017 - AGM held at abc Family Restaurant in Red Deer. Michael Dawe made presentation on "The History of Railways in Central Alberta". Election of Board of Directors: President - Paul Pettypiece; Vice-President - Brian McLoughlin; Secretary - Evan Bedford; Treasurer - Steve Parkin; plus 4 members at large.

December 2017 - Met with Donald School of Business regarding student practicum for feasibility study.

February 2018 - Second presentation to newly-elected Innisfail Town Council re proposed heritage rail park.

May 2018 - Participated in Carstairs Model and Hobby Show.

July 2018 - The Junior League of Edmonton offered its significant collection of artifacts housed in the closed Calgary & Edmonton Railway Station Museum located in the Old Strathcona district of Edmonton. Several members of FJHS did a field trip to Edmonton to look over the collection. Contacted Red Deer Museum and Red Deer Culture Services to see if they would be interested in storing the collection or displaying; unfortunately they didn't have space available. Board decides to pursue acquisition of C&ER museum collection. Morris Flewwelling gifted to FJHS a copy of the Alberta Museums Association Handbook.

August 2018 - Board officially decides to proceed with negotiations for acquisition of C&ER museum collection. Acquired gifted original CNR switch lock from Cliff Fuller of Red Deer. Adoption of the Springbrook Community Heritage Park Master Plan.

September 2018 - Received a grant from the City of Red Deer Community Culture Development Fund to cover the cost of transporting and storing the C&ER station museum collection for one year on the understanding that the collection will eventually be displayed in the Red Deer area. Both the Junior League of Edmonton and FJHS boards passed resolutions for the unconditional gifting of the C&ER station museum collection. Transfer agreement finalized. Meeting with Red Deer County officials including the mayor about proposed rail park at Springbrook.

October 2018 - First and second trip to Edmonton to acquire much of the collection which was put in storage at StoreSmart in Gasoline Alley. Display and surveys at Discover Springbrook information fair. AGM held at abc Family Restaurant in Red Deer. President made presentation on "The Calgary & Edmonton Railway Station Museum Collection". Election of Board of Directors: President - Paul Pettypiece; Vice-President - Richard Astle; Secretary - Evan Bedford; Treasurer - Steve Parkin; plus 3 members at large.

January 2019 - Board adopts Artifacts Collections Policy. Rail park vision modified to separate non-profit museum complex from commercial aspect.

April 2019 - Display at Supertrain in Calgary.

May 2019 - Met with Canada Malting at Niobe regarding possible future extension of elevator spur south to Melcor property for both heritage and industrial use. Met with Melcor re possible future rail park south of Niobe. Participated in Carstairs Model and Hobby Show.

June 2019 - Final trip to Edmonton to pick up a few items from the closed C&ER station museum including a large wall clock gifted to FJHS by the Legate Family and the freight wagon that needs considerable repair as well as architectural plans for the museum building that is a replication of the original built in 1892. Acquired gifted candlestick phone from closed Edmonton Telephone Historical Centre. Met with Discovery Wildlife Park at Innisfail. Conversations with Gary Southgate indicated that most of his railway collection has been moved to Saskatchewan, including former Okanagan Wine Train that had been stored at Mossleigh, but large steam locomotive is still in Regina.

August 2019 - Met with Innisfail CAO and Melcor re future rail park north of Discovery Wildlife Park.

September 2019 - Acquired gifted 3 CNR wall mountable oil lamps from closed Edmonton Telephone Historical Centre. Initial conversations with Innisfail Historical Society re partnering with FJHS on display of C&ER museum collection.

October 2019 - AGM held at Innisfail Aquatic Centre in Innisfail. Anna Lenters, president of Innisfail & District Historical Society, made presentation on "My 10 Years at Heritage Park in Calgary". Election of Board of Directors: President - Paul Pettypiece; Vice-President - Richard Astle; Secretary - Evan Bedford; Treasurer - Steve Parkin; plus 2 members at large.

November 2019 - Article in Innisfail Province regarding possible future heritage rail park at Innisfail.

January 2020 - Members of Innisfail & District Historical Society examines C&ER station museum collection and confirms decision to accept the collection on loan at the Innisfail Historical Village.

March 2020 - Stored C&ER station museum collection moved to Innisfail Historical Village for future display. Article in Innisfail Province.

Forth Junction banner used at public eventsBoard of Directors 2021-22:
Paul Pettypiece (President), Evan Bedford (Secretary),
Richard Astle (Vice-President), Steve Parkin (Treasurer),
Roy Sirman, Jim Mattheis

Current (2021-22) members in addition to 6 Board Members: David Craig,
Heather Shannon, Lane Petrosenko, Denise Bedford, Laddi Pettypiece
2020-21 members: Paul Pettypiece, Evan Bedford, Richard Astle, Steve Parkin, Roy Sirman,
Heather Shannon, Lane Petrosenko, Denise Bedford, Robert Meyer
members: Paul Pettypiece, Evan Bedford, Richard Astle, Steve Parkin, Brian McLoughlin,
Roy Sirman, David Craig, Heather Shannon, Lane Petrosenko, Denise Bedford, Lon Marsh
members: Paul Pettypiece, Evan Bedford, Richard Astle, Steve Parkin, Brian McLoughlin,
Roy Sirman, David Craig, Heather Shannon, Lane Petrosenko, Clayton Hazlett, Lawrie Hignell,
Bill Wilson, Dennis Downham, Jim Mattheis, Laddi Pettypiece, Denise Bedford, Liz Taylor,
Morris Flewwelling

2017-18 members: Paul Pettypiece, Evan Bedford, Brian McLoughlin, Steve Parkin, Lawrie Hignell, Richard Astle, Jim Mattheis, Roy Sirman, David Craig, Daniel Craig, Heather Shannon,
Lane Petrosenko, Clayton Hazlett, Rod Trentham, Bill Wilson, Dennis Downham

members: Paul Pettypiece, Evan Bedford, Brian McLoughlin, Steve Parkin, Heather Shannon, Roy Sirman, Dennis Downham, Lawrie Hignell, Richard Astle, Jim Mattheis, Bill Wilson, Ellen Wilson, David Craig, Ernie Beskowiney, Ed Molenkamp
2015-16 members: Paul Pettypiece, Brian McLoughlin, Steve Parkin, Heather Shannon, Roy Sirman, Dennis Downham, Evan Bedford, Bill Wilson, Ellen Wilson, Richard Astle, Lawrie Hignell,
Laddi Pettypiece, Ronald Simonson
2014-15 members: Paul Pettypiece, Brian McLoughlin, Steve Parkin, Heather Shannon, Roy Sirman, Dennis Downham, Evan Bedford, Bill Wilson, Richard Astle, Lawrie Hignell
members: Paul Pettypiece, Brian McLoughlin, Steve Parkin, Heather Shannon, Roy Sirman, Roger Bouchard, Dennis Downham, Evan Bedford, Bill Wilson, Richard Astle, Lawrie Hignell,
Peter Wagstaff

2012-13 members: Paul Pettypiece, Brian McLoughlin, Steve Parkin, Heather Shannon, Roy Sirman, Peter Wagstaff, Roger Bouchard, Dennis Downham, Evan Bedford, Bill Wilson, Ellen Wilson,
Richard Astle, Lawrie Hignell, Kenneth James, Tony Blake, Rod Trentham, Ben Alain,
Don Holt, Virginia Holt
2011-12 members: Paul Pettypiece, Brian McLoughlin, Steve Parkin, Orval Snider, Heather Shannon, Roy Sirman, Peter Wagstaff, Roger Bouchard, Dennis Downham, Michael Dawe, Evan Bedford,
Bill Wilson, Ernie Beskowiney, Richard Astle, Bill Lundie, Wayne Brow, Steven Ruthven
2010-11 members: Paul Pettypiece, Darcy Colenutt, Roy Sirman, Heather Shannon, Steve Parkin, Michael Dawe, Orval Snider, Roger Bouchard, Steven Ruthven, Dean Jorden, Innisfail Historical Society, Andrew Stott, Martin Parsons, Peter Wagstaff, Ernie Beskowiney, Dennis Downham, Gerry Gummo, Preston Parks, Bill Wilson, Ellen Wilson, Rich Graydon 
2009-10 members: Paul Pettypiece, Darcy Colenutt, Roy Sirman, Heather Shannon, Audrey Reid, Steve Parkin, Michael Dawe, Orval Snider

In Memoriam:
Orval at Supertrain Calgary display 2010Ellen Wilson (1933-2017). Ellen passed away peacefully on October 25, 2017. He is survived by her husband, Bill, 2 sisters, one son, two step-sons and 7 grandchildren. She was a member of the society for 6 years. She and her husband, Bill, have operated the Alberta Central Railway Museum southeast of Wetaskiwin since 1992.
Orval Snider (1928-2012). Orval passed away peacefully on June 6, 2012. He is survived by his wife, seven children, 23 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. One of his unfulfilled dreams was that a steam locomotive be located in front of the historic Red Deer downtown CPR station. Another was that an elevated high speed rail line be established between Calgary and Edmonton through Red Deer. His contribution to the FJHS Board will be missed.

AGM 2019 Report
AGM 2018 Report
AGM 2017 Report

AGM 2012 Report

Strategic Plan 2011


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